Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I was thinking this blog had died a timely death quite a while back. To be honest, I was hoping it had. Keeping up with a blog and thinking of worthwhile things to say is hard work I tell ya! Some of the abysmal past posts which may or may not have disappeared before this revival are definitely proof of that. I wanted to delete all of the past posts, most are simply cringe worthy, but I resisted the urge. It's good to be able to see where you've come from. Sometimes it even helps you figure out where you're going. Anyways, I made a promise, so this blog is officially revived. No idea what I'm going to write about. That will just have to be a surprise for both of us. Until then, thanks for reading!! Talk (or write) at ya later!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mr. Frog

So I had a conversation with a frog the other night that went much like this.

Me: Mr. Frog I like you and all, but see we have an issue here. You're on my door, and if I open it you're going to feel the need to come inside. So, I'm going to bang on the door to try to scare you away before I open it, and it would be in your best interest to move along.

Mr. Frog: I have been hopping around all day, and I have now decided to spend the night on your door. No amount of banging is going to convince me otherwise. You're just going to have to deal with it!

Me: Alright then look. I've got to open this door. We will have no problems as long as you stay outside, but if you so much as put a toe inside this house, I've got a bottle of Raid, and I know how to use it.

Mr. Frog: You're crazy lady! First off you're talking to a frog, and secondly, Raid is for dangerous critters what am I going to do hop you to death!

End of Conversation...

Yeah, I'm that pathetic, but it's ok.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

So What's Going On?

The short answer is not a whole lot. So why am I updating? I have no idea. It seems that people keep checking the blog though so I kind of feel guilty that I haven't updated in so very long. Well, that, and I was feeling a little nostalgic this morning as I read over some of my past posts. I miss seminary...a lot. I'm very stuck right now though. I don't think that I'll ever have the opportunity to go back again. So, I'm forging ahead, still looking for a job, still living at home, still just going through the everyday motions of life. The good news is that I do have another interview scheduled for Friday, and the position looks promising. Of course, there have been a few positions like that so I'm not holding my breath just trying to stay hopeful. I know that God has got all this craziness figured out, but as I've mentioned before, patience is not my strong suit especially when it means sitting at home for 9 months. Yep, I have officially been applying for jobs for 9 months. That is craziness! Oh well, it will happen...eventually.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Just Checkin’ In

Nothing exciting, new, or newsworthy has been going on lately. My days have been full of job applications, doctor’s appointments (They aren’t mine. I’m just the transporter), and some school.

There’s nothing new on the job front. The interview that I went to was a big bust mainly because the interviewer asked me point blank what I would do if I was offered a full time job next month. I answered honestly. I would take a full time job over a part time one. He understood, but I pretty much knew that I wasn’t getting the job. I’m really not good at this patience thing. I want a job now, but since I don’t have much of a choice, I’ve been practicing patience a lot lately. I haven’t necessarily practiced it successfully every day, but I guess practice makes perfect or at least better.

School has been interesting, but since I’m doing distance learning this semester, it has just been a bunch of reading. However, things are going to get exciting (not necessarily in a good way) starting next week. I have two weekend conferences that I have to attend in NC for the class that I’m taking. So for the rest of February I’ll be flying back and forth between NC and FL. One weekend here, and one weekend there. I was hoping to not have to do this, but since I haven’t been able to find a job, I really don’t have a choice. If I don’t take at least one class this semester, I won’t be able to keep health insurance, and since I’m uninsurable, that’s a big deal for me.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's a Dog's Life!

I'm still playing with my new camera. When I took Kita (my dog) outside the other day I started wondering what the world looked like from her perspective. Don't ask me why. I was just in a creative mood.

Grass isn't something that tickles her ankles. It's more like underbrush that must be plowed through...

Fences are huge...

And small weeds look more like flowers...

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Camera!

Mom and Tim gave me some money for my birthday to pick out a new camera with, and FedEx finally brought it this week. It didn't actually take that long to get here. I was just being a little impatient. My family hates it since I'm constantly trying to take pictures, but I love it!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Moved in…Sort of

I have officially moved back in with Tim and Mom. It has been an interesting adventure that has made me swear that I am never moving again. I’ve been joking with Tim telling him that he’s stuck with me. lol. But I’m here! There are still boxes everywhere, and my room is still barely navigable. Poor Kita, my dog, is still trying to figure out if she’s training to compete in an obstacle course or something as she gingerly works her way to her kennel which is in the far corner of my room. The problem, if you want to call it that, is that just a month ago I had an entire apartment to put stuff in. Now I have a bedroom. Well actually, I don’t have “just” a bedroom. I also have all of my boxes of kitchen stuff stashed at Nana’s house, and I have clothes stashed next door at Gram’s. Oh, and I have a pile of boxes along with a washing machine stashed in the garage. For that reason, I don’t know that I’ll ever get completely moved in, but I’m back in Florida anyways.